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High Lodge Leisure appoints Paul Kirk Design

By August 20, 2013September 23rd, 2013General, New Work

Following a pitch process Paul Kirk Design is pleased to announce that it has been appointed by High Lodge Leisure Ltd to delevop its new WordPress based website and advise on their social media and PPC activity.

High Lodge Leisure Ltd was founded in 1992 by John and Sally Bidwell and is still very much a family run business. From its humble beginnings in 1992 High Lodge has grown to a multi-million pound facility currently employing sixteen full time employees, plus many more part time and seasonal staff.

The website will promote the range of services and activities High Lodge Leisure offers, including Weddings & Civil Ceremonies, Corporate Events, Celebrations, Clay Shooting, Golf and their popular Holiday Lodges. As with most websites built by us it will utilise the open source WordPress platform, giving High Lodge a great content management system allowing them to be able to update the websites content whenever they want. Paul Kirk Design will be on hand, post launch to offer training, guidance and advice when required.

We’re excited to be working with High Lodge Leisure Ltd on this project and hope it will be the beginning of a long term relationship.